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Kootenay South Youth Soccer
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Home > Fall/Winter Indoor

* Indicates Required Field

Player Information

Are you a returning Player?

First Name *

Last Name *

Birthdate *

Access Code

(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.)

Email Address *

Gender *

Health Card Number

Address *

City / Hometown *

Province *

Postal Code *

Phone Number

Citizenship *

Any other relevant information?

Any allergies or medical conditions? *

If yes, please provide details: *

Did you participate in our Spring program? *

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian First Name *

Parent/Guardian Last Name *

Parent/Guardian Email Address *

Parent/Guardian Phone Number *

Parent/Guardian Secondary Phone Number

Parent/Guardian 2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 First Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name

Parent/Guardian 2 Email Address

Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number

Parent/Guardian 2 Secondary Phone Number

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